
sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2012

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate faça o Download #mivp

Galera faça o download voce tambem desta versao que ja esta disponivel  publicamente.

Resources for your Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate (RC) Datacenter Evaluation 
Dear Thiago:
Thanks for downloading and evaluating Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate Datacenter. We've put together some great resources to get you started. They are all in one convenient location - the Windows Server 2012 RC Resource Page. For example, check out:

·  Install, Deploy, and Migrate to Windows Server 2012
·  Product Evaluation Guide
·  Video: New techniques to develop low-latency network apps
» More Resources

We'll notify you via email when the next version is available. Thanks again for trying Windows Server 2012 RC Datacenter.
Your MSDN Team

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